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Wandering Alarms

A range of sensors to detect when a person begins to wander.

"Which sensor should I choose?"

This largely depends on what you are trying to achieve and how quickly you need to be alerted. 

"I'm not living in the same house and need to know when my relative opens their front door" 

A door sensor with mobile phone alerts will send a message to your mobile phone if a door is opened. 

"I'm not living in the same house and need to know if my relative has fallen over during the night. They have dementia and....

A range of sensors to detect when a person begins to wander.

"Which sensor should I choose?"

This largely depends on what you are trying to achieve and how quickly you need to be alerted. 

"I'm not living in the same house and need to know when my relative opens their front door" 

A door sensor with mobile phone alerts will send a message to your mobile phone if a door is opened. 

"I'm not living in the same house and need to know if my relative has fallen over during the night. They have dementia and would not be able to call for help or press a button"

The wireless not returned to bed sensor will send a message to your mobile phone if a person gets out of bed and does not return within 20 minutes. The sensor mat can be placed discretely underneath the bed mattress, so is ideal for those living with dementia. 

"I'm living in the same house and need to know as soon as my relative gets out of bed so that I can assist them." 

A bed pressure mat linked to a pager provides the fastest early warning that a person has left the bed. 

Alternatively, a floor sensor mat linked to a pager can be placed next to the bed. 

"I'm living in the same house and need to know if my relative opens the front door during the night,"

door sensor linked to a pager will send an alert as soon as a door is opened. 


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