How Can Motion Sensors Be Used To Monitor Your Elderly Patient

If you’re a full-time in-home carer for your elderly loved one with a degenerative dementia condition or are running a care facility, it can be difficult to manage the patients alone without proper guidance and training. It can also be hard because dementia targets the memory centres that cause the person to forget important events and people and prevents making new memories, leading to disorientation in a previously comfortable setting and developing a tendency to wander.

However, using different care alert devices, you can make their interior environment more secure and easy to manage. So, here’s how motion sensors can help you monitor your patient and prevent them from wandering away from the residence:

a person holding a patient’s hands

Secures The Doorways And Limits Interactions

When placed near main doorways and other entrances where patients should not go unsupervised, the motion sensors can act as perfect security to keep your resident elderly safe. If you’re running a care facility, you can’t have an army of staff posted at door entrances and room attendants without going overboard on your operating expenses.

Having someone constantly in their private space can also agitate your patients. So, these motion sensors can limit interactions while securing your entrances. You can use cameras and alert trackers to see if any of the patients are trying to go into the basement or inventory rooms. Or stepping out into the garden unsupervised.

Remotely Monitors Without Being Intrusive

Dementia patients and elderly citizens with other health conditions may not always need constant supervision. Hence, if you wish to create a welcoming and comfortable environment, the care facility needs to feel like a home, not a jail.

Locking doors is a precaution, but you can optimize your staff through motion sensors. It can alert your team if a dementia patient is out of bed and walking unsupervised in the hallways. The attendant on-call can rush over to the sensor location and spend some time with the elderly to calm them down and take them back to a designated area.

Good For Sleepwalking Condition

If you’ve got a partner or elderly patient with a sleepwalking condition, it can be terrifying to wonder if they’ll walk out into the night and end up in the middle of nowhere. This is where motion sensors can help you. You can install them near the main doorways, so you can get an alert n the middle of the night if someone is trying to leave.

a wireless front door alarm sensor

Get A Front Door Alarms Sensor At Frequency Precision

Now that you know the different ways you can use alarm sensors for your doors and windows, you can keep your loved ones and patients safe. Check out our range of one of the best care alert devices in the UK at Frequency Precision

Get in touch with us or visit our website for more information on our products like alert trackers for nursing homes, emergency call bells for hospitals, wireless bedside nurse call points, etc.  
